Garrett Long

Garrett Long

To start, I’d like to thank Kerry and the 212 team for the opportunity to be the subject of January’s Member Spotlight. These stories inspire me every month and it’s an honor to be able to share some of my story with you. 

Meredith Wescott

Meredith Wescott

I am honored to have been chosen as November’s Member Spotlight! My relationship with 212 can really be summed up in how I talk about it. In the past, I would say, begrudgingly, “I’m going to the gym.”

Paul Whitehead

Paul Whitehead

I want to thank Kerry and the staff for selecting me for the Member Spotlight.

I have been working out at 212 Health and Performance since August 6th 2015. Before then I was working out at the Newman Y.   

Tara Hurley

Tara Hurley

My name is Tara Hurley. I have been a member of 212 for so long I don't even remember when I actually started. When I started it was called Punch and it was located on Broadway in East Providence.

Mike Furtado

Mike Furtado

When I received the email from Kerry congratulating me that I was selected for this month's member spotlight the first thing I said to myself was "SELF?!?...Is he RRREALLY sure about that giving me an open forum?!?" 

Deb Pacheco

Deb Pacheco

January 1, 2017 I texted Alicia and told her my New Year's Resolution was to become the Member Spotlight. She believed in me and continuously reminded me of my goal.

Marylis Hannah

Marylis Hannah

I'm in the spotlight?!?! I must have read the email twice to let it sink in. And of course, my first instinct is to run from the spotlight, as it tends to make me shy and stumble over my words...

Neile Hartman

Neile Hartman

There are a lot of things I love in this world. Most are two adorable sons, my sweet husband, the posse of fellow moms who keep me sane, the Patriots (3-1 without Brady...suck it, Goodell!), mint chocolate chip ice cream and this big room in Rumford...

Brittany Briere

Brittany Briere

In 2010 I sustained life altering injuries after being hit by a car. Before the accident, I lead an active life as a part time soldier in the National Guard, a budding hairstylist, and I trained mixed martial arts a few times a week...